Saturday, October 29, 2011

Journey To Degree. (Part 1)

Hehe. penyakit malas mengupdate blog ni semakin hari semakin kronik. huhu. Takpe, walaupun cerita ni dah basi tetap akan ku update jugak demi pembaca2 tersayang. (bajet retis)

Last week 19 october 2011 adalah hari konvo aku. Konvo yang ketiga dalam hidup lepas konvo masa tadika n diploma. hee. Berjaya jugak la lepas bergelumang dengan kuman dan kulat for 3 years i gained Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Mikrobiologi. Oyeahhh im proud of myself! =D

Masa konvo diploma dulu (2007) just few of my siblings yg dtg coz masa tu ramai yg tgh ada kt UK.. so for degree time ni alhamdulillah 5 from 8 siblings yang dtg. hee. Lebiyuuu my brothers n sisters.

N a day after convo i met him for dinner. =) hehe. i love you so much awakkk!

Ape yg aku nk story dlm entry ni sbenarnye ialah.. perjalanan hidup aku ni x semudah orang lain tau. Dulu after SPM, add math aku teruk dapat 7 tuu. haha. so aku end up with tak dapat masuk matriks .. n i didnt apply for upu since aku budget dapat matriks la sbb aku punye result quite good 6A's n 3 B's just add math je cm hampeh..

So, masa tau x dpt matriks tu aku tgh PLKN.. so alone rasa mcm x tau ape nak buat, nangisss je la aku sbb maybe masa tu mmg option aku ialah smbung matriks je kan. so bila dah habes pkn discus dgn family they said, buat rayuan for matriks n upu .. n tunggu for form 6.. masa tu aku dah decide nk form 6 je so i went to the nearest school yg ade sciene stream for form 6 but then dieorg ckp nama aku xde lg dlm senarai because my result is too good for form 6. boleh camtu? dieorg ckp aku kena tunggu for a while.. so aku pn tunggu je la...

So then aku start form 6 kt SMK Khir Johari Tg Malim n i didnt get a place kt hostel sbb dh lambat apply. huhu. jauh tau skolah tu dr umah aku.. about one hour by bus. Tp takpe la demi semangat nak belajar lagi tu aku gagahkn jugak.. so bile dah start belajar skolah tu, serious cakap aku tak biasa sekolah harian biasa.. sebab dah 5 tahun kn sekolah asrama n sekolah agama lg tu..

Bila aku tgk ada budak dtg skolah x pakai tudung, rambut dye aku jadi cm culture shock plak.. so i been thinking, betol ke decision aku untuk smbg form 6 kt situ.. about study tu mmg susah la tp if aku struggle of cos leh cope lagi tp the enviroment im not sure.. then tup2 after two weeks skolah situ, aku dapat offer diploma uitm shah alam, course sains mikrobiologi.. n i was thinking..what is dat ? huhu

So my parents decided that me have to go to uitm n taking that course walopn masa tu semester dah start about a month la. So i start my new life at Uitm during July 2004 until Mac 2007.

** penat la menaip. nanti aku sambung boleh dgn gamba2 konvo ok? Tungguuuu.. hehe.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

USA X-Factor 2011~

Sekarang ni aku tgh layan X-Factor USA. hee. Mula2 tertengok pn x sengaja sbb last 2 weeks internet umah kena potong la pulak, so mlm2 xde activity nk buat tertengok la tv.. aku bukan jenis kaki melayan tv sgt pon.. Mula2 tengok dalam hati pk alah ni mesti mcm audition AF je ni jenis2 muka n suara tak berjenis tap ada hati nk masuk show cmtu kan...

N my thought was right,partially... sbb ada ramaiiiii jugak yg suaranya sedap2.. memula aku tengok tu i was really impressed dgn a girl name Melanie Imaro.. die nyanyi lagu Listen. Pergh. meremanggg siot dngar die nyanyi, kalah salma mentor yg penah nyanyi lagu tu jgk.. serious i really hope that she will be one of the peserta la kan.. Nak try meremang kn bulu roma korg jugak x? Meh tgk kat SINI.

Then ade sorg girl.. gojess sgt2 nama Caitlin Koch. sweet, lembut, cantik.. tp rupanya die player n coach rugby! haha.. n suara die... merdu n terbuai2 je rasa..go Caitlin go!

Tp masa aku review2 video x factor ni..ade satu nama yg sgt glamer..Chris Rene.. die mcm org dh spot untuk jadi winner x factor ni lah.. sbb ape? Sbb masa audition tu, die nyanyi lagu yg die gubah sendiri n the song is actualy a true story about him yang bru bersih dr alcohol n drugs exactly 70 days masa die g audition tu.. How talented kn?

N lagu dia tu, Young Homie, is soo inspired. Meh i share untuk korg kt sni..

Best kn?

n ketiga2 dieorg ni dah dipilih untuk stay kt rumah mentor dieorg tu.. dieorg kena bersaing laa dgn 29 peserta lain untuk jadi 16 peserta yg akn buat live show nanti.. wah, dh mcm pengacara pulak aku yep!

Ape2 pon aku vote for Melanie Imaro. She's roxx!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Awin is a Fighter!

Hai! I am almost 25, single with no job. Interested? Im sweet n cute with an adorable attitude. But i have a weakness which is i am a bad tempered person. But what the most special about me is im a loyal person. Setia sampai mamtik, oke?

Hehe.. Sesi mempromote diri, ye dok? anyway..aku cm dah lamaaaa x update blog ni kn? bukan laa aku bizi sgt pon, cuma..cumaaa... hee. xded cerita baru pn nk bgtau... sbb tu tepek2 gambau je bg nampak konon2 ade update..padahal..ado.

O yeah..konvo aku 19 oktober ni, hari rabu..sodih betol dapat weekday.. n patotnya dah boleh amik jubah arini tapi aku x pegi amik pon yuran konvo pn aku x bayar lagi..hee..surat tu pn mana ntah aku letak heh.. kalo hilang mati laa Hee.. see? betapa tak terujanya aku nk berkonvo pon.. i dunno where all my excitement is a happy person, ya knowwww?

Err.. 25 and single? yes2.. huhu..I mean after 2 years n now im officially a single n strong lady..yawwwn. lady laa sgt kn. Tp aku malas laa nk delete post or gamba2 die yg ada dlm blog ni..Lantakkn aje..aku bukan femes cm apex ng ex tunang die tu kn..**xde kena mengena.

Aku just doakn yg terrrrbaikk utk dia n dia punya awek .. hee rilexx je kan aku bg wish kt sini. However i know there are someone better for me kt luar sana.. betol x?

Just got out of a 2 years long abusive relationship..You hurt killed who i took away everything I ever was...I was scared to killed all of my self broke my made me think everything was my fault..and now you are going around playing the victim now??? THANK YOU... YOU MADE ME A FIGHTER!!!! I am not worthless I am smart, funny, beautiful and IM NOT YOURS!!!! Everyone will know the truth about you!!! YOU DUG YOUR OWN GRAVE, NOW LIE IN IT!

video ni amik kat sini