Friday, February 25, 2011

One thing that they should remember.

People can say anything they want.
But they don't really know what is in my heart
What is that really really happened, they just talked n talked.
Like they don't have sins.

Allah knows better.
Thats everything that i should say.
Or is just one thing that i can say?

I don't want to track every people who talking bad about me
n give them my forgiveness.
No, i don't want to do that.

They don't know.
But, me, him n Allah know everything.

They should remember that.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Aku ingin Mencintaimu.


Oh.oh.sedikit lega sebab minggu test dah berlalu. ape resultnya?? jangan ditanya..hihi. lex dlu untuk masa nie..minggu2 depan kite meraung menangis laa dpt marks. huk2.

aritu. masa ari selasa. cuti maulidur rasul, angah aku pindah ke umah aku yg rajin ni pegi la tolong mengemas umah die. pastu,
angah aku ni mmg suka membaca. mcm aku gak la.
huk2. aku tolong la ikat2 novel yang ada.

nak tengok novel2 yang ade?? meh sini...

hua2.. banyak kann? aku kira2 ade laaa dlm 140 buah. belum campur yg kat umah trolak lagi. kalo2 campur suma novel yang ada mau dalam 250 buah..huu.

average harga satu novel rm20 x 250 = rm 5000 . wuwuuuu. T___T banyak tuu !!!

pastu , aku terjumpe satu novel jiwang ni. yang aku x pernah n xkan baca pon !

kih2.. kita ditakdirkan jatuh cinta? huk.sory laa..jiwang sgt nie.takot nak bace.. =p

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kalimah Cinta.


To let go someone which have been in our heart for a long time is not easy.
it requires effort n sacrifice.
lots of tears n you will feel give up for hundred thousand time.

but trust me, Allah is with us.

He's the one who keep our heart.
He's the one that know what is really in our heart.
He's the one who knows what's the best for us.
While we don't know.

keep doa n usaha.
InsyaAllah, He'll guide us along the journey.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

As Ever.


serabut kan blog aku skrg nie. hehe.
im trying my best to edit the template but i couldnt find any template yg menarik hati. huh.
maybe later after i finish my test, i'll renovate again.

oh. i just got a shock news !

my acik now stuck in Paris.

acik, abg ad n family went to Paris last monday.
n abg ad told me that acik had a problem with the immigaration. due to some issue.blabla.

So now, acik can't go back to UK.
she'll heading straight from Paris to KL.
and she'll arrive on Monday.

I hope n i pray everything will be safe.
Ya allah, selamatkan ahli2 keluargaku dari sebarang kesulitan dan bahaya.amin.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Perang Mafia.

Salam .

Life been so cruel to me tis lately. Im not really in the good condition, I should say that. yeah. banyak keje n banyak berfikir make me feel like.. hahhh whateverrr !!

Anyway, im not a game addicted. but there's a fren of mine yang sangat suka main game yang dipanggil perang mafia (mafia wars) kat laman sosial mukabuku tu. Sangat suka n sangat addicted. n jangan tak percaya yang ramaiii lagi org kt luar sana sangat ketagih main perang mafia virtual ni.

Sampai ada yg sanggup berbelanja beratos2 ringgit untuk beli bende2 dalam game tu, ada yang tgal bini tdo sorg2 sebab nk habiskan stam.. =.=" dan yang baru2 ni ada yang aku tau ada orang bunuh diri sebab kna buli dalam game ni.Iskh2.. sampai gitu sekali ek penangan perang mafia ni.

Actually aku mmg la bukan peminat game ini. tapi atas dasar kemanusiaan, aku cuba nak memahami apa nikmatnya game ni. So, aku pon try la main bende ni. huhu . baru level 11 la hahahh. orang lain dah sampai level beratos2 beribu2 kann. xpe laa. aku sekadar nak mencube je. huk.

Aku takde masalah pon kalo nnti pasangan aku suka main game, tapi dah kalo main game 8 jam, layan aku 8 minit, mmg laaaa sorry. u r not my type !! huhu. dolu2 ada la gak aku main game cafe world, farmville siap mainkan untuk org lagi tp bila dah lama2 jadi bosan muak nak muntahh bwekkk! sbb kita tau bnde tu just game. lain la kalo tiap kali main tu, duit yang dapat tu adalah duit yang betol2, kalu cmtu aku mmg dah jadi org terkaya kat dunia laa. biahahaa..

Nak bgtau, aku dah terjatoh cinta pada diaa ---------->

hahahh walopon umor die kurang skitttt (skit ke?) dari aku tapi aku tak kiraaaa aku tetap jatoh cinta sama mamat ni. huk. sapa dia? alaa. korg penah tengok tak aku post video pasal ucapan hari ibu tu. mamat kelakar tu die ni laa. nama die Matluthfi. kat youtube ada banyak video2 die yang super kelakar gile best !! sukeee sgt! huhu. korang leh type je matluthfi90 kat youtube and sila laa layan vids die yg syiokkkk. tak pecaya? nah leh click SINI.

lau dah minat plak .. leh click like kat page INI. heheeh. gile promote ye dok ?

Okela. len kali kalu rajin, aku update lagi.huhu , kena study laa next week byk test.oke babai.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Who do you Think you are?


Yeah yeah. been a while since my last post here. seriously, my mood for blogging keep down n down since this semester started. final semester. should i say this is normal for everyone? been surrounding with interminable work in the lab make me like wanna vomit every 30 minutes. really. trust me.

I just hope, pray for the best since this will be my last semester here. in UPM. owh u guys don't have no idea how much i've been waiting for this. i want this to end immediately! yes i know for some people, they love study life than work life. But me, no. i need to study to get a degree but frankly speaking, i have no passion in study anymore. i wan't to work and after some time, i'll pursue my degree master,thats my promise. but no, not now.

Nothing interesting happen in this 2011 yet. i am still single. STILL. hehe. i don't have any time to think about that yet. or maybe i can say that i don't really believe in any relationship anymore. love is a bullet to me. enough said.

He is my dear nephew. love of my life. cute eh? =)