Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dance with the Rainbow

okeh. officially takleh tido. adeh laa... entry ni byk words n mcm jiwang jek. sapa suka, baca la eik.. kalo tak suka, buat2 x nampak je.. huhu~

tajuk entry sumpah takde kena mengena ngn isi. maen suka hati jek type tuh. mcm sedap jek..hak2...

First paper is on 19th april. so i still got a next week untuk balik umah. yeayy~~ persyaitankan ape jua aktiviti kolej neh yang ada. yang aku tau, next week aku mesti pulang ke umah. uhu.. miss my mom tahap giga neh~

Tp yg sgt hangin ialah paper aku berderet2. 19, 20 n 21.. gaga.. mati la ko awin. gali kubur sendiri siap2.. senang nanti, x susahkan org lain... jadi apa kejadah nye aku still update blog padahal aku patot kna tgh stady now? eheh.

My mood today in the morning, was damn cool. hapy tahap terbang2 kat pelangi..ada gambar bunga2 berkembang lagi tu... n in the afternoon. pretty cool. read some good blogs.. evening.. better just lil bit hungry pasal skip lunch.. night..ok~ok... heart to heart talk with Atika Ayuni about my status right now.. n midnight officially nightmare. Tak hurt tp pedih. Tak sedih tapi kecewa. eheh. lagi.

why is it things have to be complicated? I.Dunno. Serabut. Selirat. Now i felt like im the one who is guilty. Am i? adeh la.. dah takde words nak describe betapa serabutnya situasi ni..

Anyway. nak cakap kat sini. to org tu. Im so sorry. didn't mean to make u serabut with all my kerenah yang tak sudah2 nie.. sorry. sgt. I know u will facing ur very final exam in few days. But. i just need to know okay. Thanx for being honest to me. U know im kind of person who say first, then I'll think later. U know right? So, please please bare with my bad sikap.. i trust u. n i need u. ( this my blog, so i can say any jiwang words right?eheh)

I'll just be here. beside u k. n its ok. be like what u said.. Am okay with dat.. =)

Ok. sudah2. aku tak mahu bertukar menjadi awin-si-jiwa2.. tu kat atas tu. nak org tu baca jea.. kalau dia baca la...

Sekarang ni. mari tidur ye kwn2.. mimpi indah2 disulami ribut petir taufan sebab hati tgh tak tenang plus rindu mumy sgt2..

pix diner smlm..? alah. malas nak upload. huhu. sebab. badan mcm dah naik skit. gumuk. tp. ok la ok la.. satu pix ni aje lah..

bersama cik ayu the sandy si tupai2.. hak2...

May God bless~


  1. update lagi blog. isy~ dah2.. stadi tuh dulu.... :) mesti gembira hati orang tu bila die bace u punye post.. pergilah bgtau kat dia, suruh die bace post nie... :D

  2. haha. =) manaleh tido la smlm encik bunga. erm. aa tatau la org tu baca tak..hehe..
    jom. setadi~
